The Boy Who Cried "no lights!"

  tonight i just let the night take over. I let my eyes adjust to darkness and tweaked my stride and pace to avoid falls, using techniques i've learned from reading Castenada. Even in darkness though, a well worn trail can show itself pretty well. It's just the rocks and roots that seem to creep up on ya.
  My first consecutive two days of running in awhile. i probably went a couple miles longer than i should have but i guess i'm just eager to get "balls deep" into the idea of training again. seems like it's the only thing that gives me purpose at times. I always start out pretty good. disciplined, with a plan and a goal, with peaks, valleys and rest periods. next thing ya know, i'm seeing how far and deep i can go, either eating like shit or not enough and skipping my rest weeks. i start feeling strong and i get afraid of losing it and before i know what's hit me, my life is a wreck. well, not this season. i'm gonna make sure i hit those rest weeks. gonna make sure i'm good and tired when those weeks come around. yeah, right. anyway....
  i'm running these days with bags of rice in my backpack. probably a bad idea but when i used to run back and forth to work, i always had a backpack full of clothes and stuff. then when i would race, i would have these really nice "pace per miles" that i would normally never hit. because i don't wear a backpack full of clothes and shit when i race. duh. we'll see. i have food if i get stranded, anyway

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