weight training

  an uneventful and somewhat lazy run in sunny but 23 degree weather today. feel like the weighted backpack is really taking a toll. looking forward to tomorrow's long but lightweight run.
  on a side note to carrying weight around.....i sold my fender precision bass i've had over 20 years this morning. basically gave it away but it felt like a noble sale. to some older guy (56) who just started playing a few years ago and now plays in his church band. he seemed excited. even sent me a text afterwards telling me how good it sounded through his amp. this coming on the heels of selling my old gibson guitar that i'd had for about 25 years. that guy even filmed me playing it one last time while i talked about our history together for a documentary he's making. paid me another $20 to boot. kind of a nice closure.
  i used to feel so connected to these things. not really but i think i just felt like i was supposed to be so i played along. they're just things. same as my bikes that i'm trying to sale. same as EVERYTHING that i'm trying to sale or give away. just things. i've had much more difficult "partings" the last couple years. my mom dying. my divorce. my brother not speaking to me. losing some friends i've spent the better part of 10 years getting to know....i guess they were just things too. whatever. they served a purpose for a time and then on to the next chapter. be it friends, guitars or bikes, better they go to a place to be enjoyed, utilized, whatever than being unappreciated sitting in a closet or storage room. but as i'm beginning to learn, i will keep moving. picking up and dropping off people, objects and ideals. keep what i need and leave the rest.

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