coffee break's over, back on my head....
  After a few weeks off with nothing but a couple of random runs and bike rides, training for my 2014 "campaign" begins.An easy 8+ mile run with a friend from my front door, through Forest Park and back. Temps in the 30's and dry. Dry! Followed with a green smoothie of kale, banana, avocado, apple and both chia and crushed flax seeds soaked in coconut water. I had an amazing protein drink from "jaiseed" while working the vitamix. During the last couple months of floundering around with just the occasional run or ride thrown in, I've put on a few unwanted and unneeded pounds and today is the day of turning that around. Luckily, this is what our bodies do best. Responding to positive changes. Oddly enough, this is what EVERYTHING does best. responding in a positive way to positive change.

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