feeling the light
finally feeling the "light" again. all i really needed was a little mindless rest and a couple days of tweaking my diet. a little inspirational reading and and stuff doesn't hurt either. i've been missing that emotional / spiritual connection that i get from my runs lately. a while actually. mostly due to some lazy diet choices, weather and just some life stress. so the last few days i've really tried to start reigning in my diet, (more greens, less crap) of course i generally eat pretty healthy anyway but the last couple months it's been kind of here and there. about three years ago i started eating closer to the source. closer to nature, earth, either killed or grown. after awhile i could really feel a difference. not to mention weight loss and athletic performance but just an overall more secure connection to my spirituality. i know, whatever, hippie. i'll own that. when i'm eating plants, i'm consuming the most direct source of energy that i can. the sun. and eating animals that also consume that source of energy. i hope to one day break free from eating the animals. i love the animals and respect the opportunity to consume them but i know just the fact that it's in my head, my soul, that i'm also consuming the pain, fear and confusion that must have overwhelmed this being at the time of it's death. so at this point out of my addiction, weakness and just plain convenience i'm still eating animals. maybe consuming enough "light" will help me find this source of strength eventually.
even running through the woods as long as i do and as often as i do, i feel the "light." totally enveloped in chlorophyll and ping ponging off of everyone else's "light" as they run past and you see the look on their face. that expression of mindlessness bliss and agony depending on where you're at at the time. it's always bliss. just sometimes you don't know it at the time.
funny thing today. as i was heading out of the woods and down the hill. a car, a beautiful vintage VW bug, pulled out of one of the hidden garages that line the hill. it was kind of sudden and he almost hit me but i caught it in time. i could tell he was startled and i just waved him "okay." no harm, no foul and i continued running. he rode up beside me a couple blocks down and jumped out of his car. he was dressed in all adidas running gear and had a smile on his face so i didn't feel threatened. i figured he was just apologizing for the close call. no reason to , really but whatever. anyway, he says i've got a good running form and that he's a rep for adidas and said i would good in their gear. then hands me a gift certificate for their factory store. awesome. i mean, i could really care less about the gift certificate, it's more about the affirmation of the "light" that i was feeling. apparently he was feeling it too and those outer rings, auras, whatever, managed to overlap or connect in someway. just somehow acknowledge eachother in someway. i DID however, let him know i noticed his car. i'm not a car guy but i respect that kind of care and appreciation someone puts into their stuff.
so that's my adventure for the day, topped off with a kale smoothie. completed with avocado, pineapple, hemp seed, and chia seed soaked in coconut water. keep feeding the light.

even running through the woods as long as i do and as often as i do, i feel the "light." totally enveloped in chlorophyll and ping ponging off of everyone else's "light" as they run past and you see the look on their face. that expression of mindlessness bliss and agony depending on where you're at at the time. it's always bliss. just sometimes you don't know it at the time.
funny thing today. as i was heading out of the woods and down the hill. a car, a beautiful vintage VW bug, pulled out of one of the hidden garages that line the hill. it was kind of sudden and he almost hit me but i caught it in time. i could tell he was startled and i just waved him "okay." no harm, no foul and i continued running. he rode up beside me a couple blocks down and jumped out of his car. he was dressed in all adidas running gear and had a smile on his face so i didn't feel threatened. i figured he was just apologizing for the close call. no reason to , really but whatever. anyway, he says i've got a good running form and that he's a rep for adidas and said i would good in their gear. then hands me a gift certificate for their factory store. awesome. i mean, i could really care less about the gift certificate, it's more about the affirmation of the "light" that i was feeling. apparently he was feeling it too and those outer rings, auras, whatever, managed to overlap or connect in someway. just somehow acknowledge eachother in someway. i DID however, let him know i noticed his car. i'm not a car guy but i respect that kind of care and appreciation someone puts into their stuff.
so that's my adventure for the day, topped off with a kale smoothie. completed with avocado, pineapple, hemp seed, and chia seed soaked in coconut water. keep feeding the light.