feathers and hair

  feeling like i'm finding the zone again. body is still touch and go but mind and spirit are coming around. had a solid run on the 13th. friday the 13th. ran 10 miles with my friend that i'm "coaching." it was already dark when we got to the trail but we had our lights and it was all gravel, no technical save for the odd hole or fallen widowmaker. at one point we shut off our lights and could just make out the fog in and out of the tree silhouettes with the lights of the city a few miles away sparkling through the trees. it's moments like those that remind you how letting go of the day to day bullshit and making a little more effort than most people are willing to, you can find these moments of peace and "now." almost as reminders, on the way out the next five miles, we passed another two, maybe three people either running or on bikes. emphasizing the small crowd that's willing to go out in the woods in total darkness in december friday night just to get a few solo miles in. exercising some combination of mind, body or soul.
  sunday wrapped up my workouts for the week. was up in the air about doing anything but i got out of work early so i took it as a sign. go to the woods. decided to take it a little easier. no weighted backpack, and under 10 miles. just a little over eight miles but i hit my holeman ln. climb. nothin' but steeps. kind of reminded me of all those mindless zen runs i was doing last summer.
  between these two days i managed to squeeze in another birthday. was expecting it to be a little depressing as these landmark days can bring out the low spots of one's year. not many of my old friends around these days and the ones that are aren't all so excited about my new low key lifestyle. as it was, it was very simple, and genuine. only a few people really knew about it but the few who did may sure to remind me they were still a big part of my life. all i ever really care about anyway is maybe a good meal and a person or two to share it with. coyote bones, sushi, books, and mexican cokes. what more could anyone ask for?

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