not gonna complain, not gonna complain, not gonna complain....

  beautiful winter day, not gonna ruin it by complaining about a crappy run. not sure what the problem was but just never got in the groove. every single step was an exercise in labor. it happens. as it's been cold and dry as opposed to our usual not so cold and rain, i welcome the dry weather. reminds me of back home in tennessee. although that was many years before i became an outdoor endurance junkie. it was just plain junkie back then. my reasons for spending several hours outside in crappy weather were much darker in those days than they are now. now it's just getting out in nature and trying to be "epic." having a bad run doesn't bother me so bad as it does knowing what a great experience i was actually having but due to my "not feeling it," that experienced was minimized. think it's my diet. it's been pretty crappy lately. the last few days i've tried to pick it up with less meat and more greens but still taking in a lot of stuff i shouldn't be. peanut butter, bananas, cliff i said earlier. it could be worse. anyway, i got in a decent 11 miles with only one more workout day for my first week back in the saddle. i guess feeling a little out of step is about right

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