just felt like runnin'....

  starting out with a big run for 2014. had been up in the air about doing a 20 this soon. needed a 16 for training for a race in february but a 20 was really clouding my head. i had a "meeting" earlier in the morning and it left me a little wound up. (more on that another time). i hadn't even eaten yet so after the meeting i came home and had three eggs. filled two water bottles, one with water and the other with two packets of those starbucks via packets. (http://www.starbucks.com/coffee/medium/iced-coffee-blend/via) and headed out the door.
  i can't hardly listen to music anymore on my runs unless it's some instrumental traditional world music but usually it's either a podcast or nothing at all. for myself, running in winter can be a little too much like "training" than i prefer. as i prefer the shorts, minimalist shoes, no socks, no shirt, maybe some water (maybe not) and heading out for as long as i can. the winter demands socks, shirt (or two), jacket, gloves, hat, etc. i'm even wearing a hydration vest. one just has some water bottles but for shorter runs i wear a backpack loaded with bags of rice as weights. since i can't be tarzan, i try to be more like rocky when he went to russia to train to fight drago. sometimes i get there, sometimes i'm just an overdressed guy running in the cold that would rather be back home reading. today was one of those magical days.
  by mile 8 i was so deep in gratitude for life in general and for whatever paths were about to be laid before me to choose from. i was communicating with friends, family and spirits and angels that during moments like these show themselves from time to time. i was so caught up in this place, this moment that i was considering taking a trail that would add another 12 or so miles to my run. well, i wasn't so deep into all this that my more logical mind didn't step in. that mind knew i really only had about 15 or so miles rather than 30+ miles. by 15 i was done but the full 20+ flew by without any real issues. i needed an uplifting solo run like this. i've had a couple decent, fun runs with a friend here and there but i needed this.
  oddly enough, i wasn't too stiff or sore afterwards. i dumped some jai repair protein powder (http://www.jailifestyle.com/shop/jai-repair-plantpower-protein/) into what was leftover in my coffee mix and tossed that down. showered then made a green smoothie, did laundry, then stir-fried some brussel sprouts, mushrooms and shallots. finishing my day.
  you know, it's been said to me that these kind of things i do are just an escape, procrastinating taking care of life and such. i have to disagree. as i'm feeling so much of the world i've created around myself crumble, it's these moments and days are what gives me hope, strength and bring me back to a connection to a universe that's more than myself and my little problems. problems that mean less and less. problems that only become markers to light my path.

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