recover, reboot, repeat

it's my "off" week so no running. yeah, i could do a couple short runs but i'm learning more and more each year that i should really take advantage of these weeks and focus on diet, rest, reading, writing, life shit and maybe some cross-training. so i went on a bike ride. a road bike ride. i headed out on a familiar route up hwy 30, turning up and climbing newberry road, then descending mcnamee road, heading back down hwy 30 home. it was a little rough on the climb. hard to reconcile not being in "racing shape" anymore. on the bike, anyway. funny how all the running miles don't really translate to bike miles. not that i'm in worse shape, it's just different. i mean, if it really came down, i could hang for a long ride with any group of my cycling friends but very, VERY few of them could hang on a run in the woods with me. knowing this keeps it in perspective. i did, however enjoy reliving some of my old winter training rituals. laying ...