The Revolution Will Not Be Mortgaged

   You know what? Fuck all this shit. FUCK ALL THIS SHIT. We are supposed to be on the verge of a spiritual revolution and all anyone can talk about is "Game Of Thrones" and deflated footballs. We're on the abyss of something beautiful, magical and terrifying and almost everyone I know is so afraid. Afraid to step outside of this little fort we all keep building around ourselves to protect us from reality. Fuck. I know people who are not only killing themselves physically but emotionally and spiritually as well and fucking REFUSE to step away from the devices that are enabling this process. 
    Humans used to have up to 360 senses and now we're down to five. And we're supposed to believe we're the most advanced civilization? Some of us already know this is bullshit. What about the pyramids? While the "powers that be" want us to believe these were just tombs for kings with crazy egos, it's becoming much more obvious these were transmitters for spiritual enlightenment. Much like Tesla's idea of wireless electricity that was shut down because (once again) the "powers that be" felt money should be made from electricity.
    I don't know about anyone else but I would much rather have wi-fi access to enlightenment than to photos of cats, food and your boring kids.
    I don't want to be a human being that becomes helpless when without a car. A human being that lives his life and adventures through fictional characters on a TV. A human being that's unwilling to shift paradigms and face new realities. A human being that justifies psychic violence and deception because they're "just doing their job." While I'm not sure what I want or where I'm headed, I know what I don't want and that's a start. Randomness is my guru. 
    After a series of events in my personal life it left me questioning everything I had come to know. EVERYTHING. Having to get rid of belongings that had at one time been very important to me was a very painful process. It still is. Watching bikes I've ridden thousands of miles and raced dozens of races with and guitars I've had for 20+ years, recording hours of music and playing hundreds of shows all walk out of my door with new owners have been very painful. And liberating. Leaving hundreds of books and CD's on the corner in the "free zone" wasn't the easiest thing to do but it had to be done. Getting rid of clothes, burning notebooks, giving away paintings....all very painful. And liberating. 
   The only thing that takes up more space and burden than all this crap I've acquired is all the debts and grudges. Either mine or the ones against me. All the debts and grudges. I feel like as I get rid of more stuff, the debts and grudges bear less weight.
    Feeling a vision quest coming soon.

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