The Canaries Are Dying

    Man, we fucked up. We fucked up bad. I fucked up, you fucked up, we ALL fucked up. We all fell for some kind of "program." We can't really take on all the blame, it was here long before any of us were around but there HAS been plenty of opportunities to change it. There is now.
    Wether it's the idea of house, kids, husband/ wife, career, blah, blah, blah...The idea of just getting some bullshit job and really laying in there and applying yourself so maybe you can work up to manager one day. Maybe just running up your credit cards either trying to keep up, maybe just have a couple nice things or sometimes just as help out of an "emergency." It's all just programs.
    The canaries are dying all around us. It seems like every other child is being diagnosed with either autism or some kind of food allergy, the U.S. is getting fatter by the day and from what I can tell from commercials on TV, the men in america can't seem to get it up anymore. Everyone's in debt, the homeless community is getting larger all the time and those school loans that were taken out so you could go to school to get a job that's just going to screw you over in the long run anyway will never be paid back. And then of course, there's the war. Or "wars." I don't even know anymore. Iran? Iraq? Afghanistan? I don't know. I remember a president in some kind of bondage jumpsuit thing that showed off his package and a "mission accomplished" banner but the war kept going. Then another president bringing home the troops but somehow, the war kept going. Some dead leaders or something, some beheadings....Whatever. At this point, I can only focus on what I can see around me.
    There's more solders than generals. There's more civilians than cops and soldiers. Fuck, there's even more empty homes and apartments than there are homeless. We could ALL WALK OUT. We could all walk out monday morning. Yeah, there would be some "casualties." There always are. There already is. At this point There's probably more casualties than non-casualties. At the very worst, what would happen? The infrastructure crash? So what? Nature starts to take over? So what? Eventually this would force more communities to be more self contained. There would be less need for cars, therefore less need for road repairs. Eventually turning the tables on the drivers and finally realizing they ARE the enemy. Actually the reason, either directly or indirectly, for many of the issues the country and world are suffering with today. Fast food places would go away. We could make those go away today if we wanted. There's absolutely NO FUCKING REASON for fast food places to exist. Not local restaurants owned, worked and supplied locally. Those will and should always be around. I'm sure they would all do a lot better as well. Factories and warehouses? Who knows what the hell would happen to them. Some would survive, I'm sure. Probably on a smaller scale but it would require less hours and people of course. That's not a bad thing. Politicians and federal, state, county and city workers? Who gives a fuck what happens to them? And banks? If we all just sat down and talked about how banks work, we would NEVER let these things control our economy.
    Think about it. You got 5lbs of gold. you can't just walk around with that so you go to your local (let's say pawn shop owner) and have him put it in his safe. he gives you pieces of paper to represent that gold. A farmer knows he has your gold and asks if he can borrow it to get seeds for next year's crops. The pawn shop guy gives him paper to represent that 5lbs of gold but on the condition he give him back 6lbs of gold. Now there's papers representing 10lbs of gold out there floating around but only 5lbs of gold in the pawn shop guy's safe. Pawn shop guy is fucked, original 5lb gold guy is fucked, farmer guy is in debt, and all these vendors around town that have been accepting these pieces of paper are fucked when they come to collect from the pawn shop guy. This is our banking system. All we have to do is take it all out. Except now, they would just print more cash and bail them out. But if we push it enough, eventually that dam will break.
   The jobs that are important would work themselves out. They would take care of themselves. schools, police, farmers, construction, doctors, artists, musicians, newspapers, etc....If we took it all away at once, the important stuff would make it's way back. There's plenty of resources to take care of eachother and make sure everyone has what they need. food, clothing, shelter, minimal healthcare and probably even more opportunities to learn and make one's self useful.
    I won't get to see this kind of thing happen in my lifetime but I can start to head this direction with my life. I have a few years of repaying debts and unburdening grudges ahead of me but the time I currently inhabit will be used to take advantage of that space when the time comes. I've seen how easy one's community will cut you off when you don't quite fit into their idea of who they thought you were. I've seen how easy it is for an employer to let you go when your salary no longer fits their new "bottom line." I've seen how quickly debt can accumulate after a few bad months and how that can deeply affect the next several years. And I've seen all my much valued toys become just beautiful, useful pieces of trash that I almost can't give away. Either left to sell for next to nothing or just left on the street. All because smaller living quarters can't hold them or can no longer afford the storage to hold them. Downsizing has it's price.
    The idea of communes will soon, have to be taken more seriously. So will the idea of house sharing. And I don't mean a bunch of 20 something's or bro-houses. I mean grown-ass responsible people who work less, do more, own less and be part of a positive revolution. To be honest, I'm not sure I can go through this one again. I'm not the best room mate and really have no intentions of changing that. I move in and when it's time to move out a couple years later, I clean the bathroom.
    People will have to drive less and walk and bike more. Eat less meat, more plants and eventually no more shit in packages. Just these two things should eliminate the "need" for most pharmaceuticals. Maybe find a more useful purpose for the medical industry. Somebody will need to spread the compost and they've proven themselves worthy of spreading plenty of shit.
    I don't know. All I know is what is currently happening isn't working. It's not even a "system" anymore. Just a chaos of manipulation, lies and violence until we all agree to some sort of indentured servant slavery class contract just to keep it all moving out of fear of losing what little we think we have now. They got me. I fell for it. Fell for it like a chump. first addiction, then debt, then labor. You take away too much and you're facing someone with nothing to lose and everything to gain. There's more of us than them.

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