You know, I gave up drugs and alcohol cold turkey. One moment I'm smoking crack that I bought with the money I stole out of a pizza place after I smashed the window and climbed through, and the next moment I'm sitting in a police department turning myself in just so I can go to jail to detox. What can I say? I ran out of cash and wanted to get clean. Anyway, all that was easy. I would do it all over again if I had to. These next detox events might not go so well. I might not go as strong as I did the last go 'round.
First, TV. Let me just say that I love TV. I was raised on it. The people in the box are my friends. I know them and they know me. Be it my local morning news people that I wake up to everyday or Kramer, Jerry, George and Elaine. My dear friends for the last 25 years. We gotta part ways. I can only take so much standing around while friends who I at one time thought were really interesting , inspiring people talk (and type) for however long about some cable series that apparently everyone I know have taken on like a religion or at very least an amateur hobby. I mean, I like watching TV but not discussing it like it really happened. But just to see what all the hype is about I've made attempts to watch these things. Some have been entertaining but most just leave me thinking some people need to get out of the house more often. So, the TV is on it's way out. Little by little though. just canceling cable and going with the ROKU. I mean, I still need my documentaries but maybe I can do without the 30 Rock reruns. I'll sure miss my TMZ though.
Second, meat. I've went back and forth on this one a long time and to be really honest, I don't think I'll ever go completely "meat free." I know when I'm using my juicer, making smoothies and eating mostly fresh veggies that I not only look better and move a little quicker but depending on the veggies, my moods are a lot better. I know this, believe this and will always promote this. Sometimes though, I just feel like either need some red meat or a big sushi binge. Maybe it's real or maybe just some food memory residue like when I "need" a coke or a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
So the health aspect to that has always been there but what's really kicked it in is a couple things. One, the "bacon porn." Really done with so many people trying to show how "caveman" they are and posting all their ridiculous photos of pork. It's almost a "fuck you" to vegetarians. That's how they see it and even as a meat eater, that's how I see it. Almost like since they can't get racist or homophobic they'll just fuck with vegans. maybe I'm projecting but I've talked to others about this and I'm definitely not the only one seeing it this way. BUT...the real hit is these fucking ranchers. Here out west, since the wolf population has been making a comeback there's been a big push from the ranching community to legalize the killing of wolves. THIS is disgusting. The amount of cattle brought down by wolves each year barely make up a fraction. The whiskey makers in Scotland refer to this as "the angel's share." just a tax to nature. I would like to think any self respecting rancher should see it the same way but everytime I see these idiots on TV all I see is some entitled redneck (chewing tobacco, no less) talking about his "livelihood" being threatened. These guys deserve no respect. But of all these reasons that have given me thought on giving up meat, the idea of not only supporting these fucking cowboys but also being a part of this bacon caveman club is too much friction against my soul. Kind of the same feeling I got as I became a little more sensitive to racism and homophobia and how sometimes a joke or remark was loaded with a little more than humor and open dialogue. I just don't want to be a part of it.
TV and meat. Not sure how much of either I can really go without. I DO have a life without TV and I DO like veggies. I just don't want to be a part of what I see happening around me. I know I'm not only missing beautiful opportunities to have a closer relationship to the world and my community but I'm also missing an opportunity to have a closer relationship to myself. Sometimes I take walks through downtown with no real places to go or anything to do and when I'm in an open mind, I can really feel the connections we're having. All vibrating atoms of and between each of us. This only comes from those moments of open mind that comes from lots of moments of quiet and empty mind. Other times I couldn't find this place with a map. But I know it's there and I "see" others "see" it.
Some of you guys used to be musicians so I know you understand and remember those moments when something happens between the notes and it's more than music, it's COMMUNICATION. I want to communicate. I can't do it with a constant barrage of overstimulation of false reality while being fed flesh from tortured beings that were brought to me via bullies with pick up trucks and stun guns.
I'm just a dumbass southern metal head ex-junkie that gets easily distracted by moving parts and shiny objects. So I know if I'm feeling this that some of you are too. And probably way more evolved in processing all this than I am. I'm not afraid to look like a fool though. Not for the right reasons.

Second, meat. I've went back and forth on this one a long time and to be really honest, I don't think I'll ever go completely "meat free." I know when I'm using my juicer, making smoothies and eating mostly fresh veggies that I not only look better and move a little quicker but depending on the veggies, my moods are a lot better. I know this, believe this and will always promote this. Sometimes though, I just feel like either need some red meat or a big sushi binge. Maybe it's real or maybe just some food memory residue like when I "need" a coke or a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
So the health aspect to that has always been there but what's really kicked it in is a couple things. One, the "bacon porn." Really done with so many people trying to show how "caveman" they are and posting all their ridiculous photos of pork. It's almost a "fuck you" to vegetarians. That's how they see it and even as a meat eater, that's how I see it. Almost like since they can't get racist or homophobic they'll just fuck with vegans. maybe I'm projecting but I've talked to others about this and I'm definitely not the only one seeing it this way. BUT...the real hit is these fucking ranchers. Here out west, since the wolf population has been making a comeback there's been a big push from the ranching community to legalize the killing of wolves. THIS is disgusting. The amount of cattle brought down by wolves each year barely make up a fraction. The whiskey makers in Scotland refer to this as "the angel's share." just a tax to nature. I would like to think any self respecting rancher should see it the same way but everytime I see these idiots on TV all I see is some entitled redneck (chewing tobacco, no less) talking about his "livelihood" being threatened. These guys deserve no respect. But of all these reasons that have given me thought on giving up meat, the idea of not only supporting these fucking cowboys but also being a part of this bacon caveman club is too much friction against my soul. Kind of the same feeling I got as I became a little more sensitive to racism and homophobia and how sometimes a joke or remark was loaded with a little more than humor and open dialogue. I just don't want to be a part of it.
TV and meat. Not sure how much of either I can really go without. I DO have a life without TV and I DO like veggies. I just don't want to be a part of what I see happening around me. I know I'm not only missing beautiful opportunities to have a closer relationship to the world and my community but I'm also missing an opportunity to have a closer relationship to myself. Sometimes I take walks through downtown with no real places to go or anything to do and when I'm in an open mind, I can really feel the connections we're having. All vibrating atoms of and between each of us. This only comes from those moments of open mind that comes from lots of moments of quiet and empty mind. Other times I couldn't find this place with a map. But I know it's there and I "see" others "see" it.
Some of you guys used to be musicians so I know you understand and remember those moments when something happens between the notes and it's more than music, it's COMMUNICATION. I want to communicate. I can't do it with a constant barrage of overstimulation of false reality while being fed flesh from tortured beings that were brought to me via bullies with pick up trucks and stun guns.