Cycling vs. Running
It's been two full years now since I put my bikes away and started running. Last year I began two races but bailed in the middle. I just wasn't feeling it. This year was the first year since 2000 that I didn't do a single bike race. The last two years have been taken up with running ultra-marathons. This seems to bother some people. Just to lay some background info, while living in Nashville, TN, I bought my first adult bike when I was 27years old. just some crappy mountain bike for $60 from a friend and it changed my life. All of a sudden my world got more manageable. Even though I was mainly using it to meet people I was selling drugs too, I looked forward to every one of those little trips. Right away I started commuting to work and it didn't take long before I was taking longer and longer trips away from my house. I still hadn't given over to any sort of "bike culture" though. There really wasn't any at the time in Nashville, TN other than...