Week 2....

    My second week in on training. I guess you would call it my "pre-2015 winter block." I'm just running my commute to and from work every day but it comes out to about 11 miles a day. By the end of my first week I was pretty much a zombie. Into my second week I could feel myself getting stronger. Well, until my Friday afternoon run home and I had hit a 50 hour work week. I was done but still hadn't bonked or slipped into any dark spaces. I was just ready to call it a week, that's all.
    A big part of this "program" is also my diet. I'm not following a strict regimen, mainly lots and lots of veggies, eggs and some almonds and almond butter as snacks. Using olive oil, grass-fed butter and coconut oil to cook with. The almond butter is probably my big downfall but I'm getting such intense cravings for it that I'm assuming there's something in it that my body needs. I call it "plant based paleo."
    I can't help but believe that the plants in my diet are what's keeping me going. Keeping the inflammation down and repairing any tissue damage.The days I take in the leftover veggies for lunch are my strongest runs home. All the coconut oil is just fueling me. I'll just take a spoonful of the stuff first thing in the morning if I'm feeling kind of rough. Not to mention, even my injuries that have been keeping me down for the last several months have been going away. Basically running and dieting them out of my system.
    All this aside, or not. I'm always trying to find a "balance." Work, play, responsibilities, etc... While I don't have much in the way of friends, family and home repairs to add to my responsibilities, I do however, have my own priorities that reach a little farther than just going to work and running in circles so just like everyone else that always claim they want to do this or that but don't have the time, it's a struggle. This was my routine...
    Wake up at 4 A.M. Get dressed, coffee, news, then leave for work at 5. My run is about 5.5miles and I get to work about 6:10 giving me enough time to change clothes, grab some coffee and hang out in the break room a few before clocking in.
    Work starts at 6:30 and ends at 5 P.M. I change and head out on my run home, walking through the door around 6:30. I take a few minutes to either grab an easy salad that's already been chopped or a couple spoonfuls of almond butter while I get out of my running gear and decompress for a few minutes then I'm in the shower.
    Out of the shower and start dinner. I prep all my veggies on sunday so All I'm doing really, is getting out the containers of veggies I want and tossing them in the cast iron. 10 minutes. This is a 10 minute process. maybe 12 if you count opening the refrigerator and putting it on a plate. I do a three egg spinach omelette while this is going on and I'm done. Now it's 7:30. Still feeling great.
    8:30 I crash. I crash hard. By this time it's all I can do to make it to bed and read a few pages before slipping into a seven hour coma.
    Yeah, run, work, run, eat, sleep. I know what it sounds like. But I also know not everyone works 10 hour days or even WANTS to run two hours a day. But cutting out TV and all the facebook bullshit leaves a lot of free time. Cutting out all my TV/FB time has been like when I first got sober. It's amazing how much time was spent either staring into space or listening to someone else's issues.
    This is a pretty intense schedule and I probably won't be able to keep it going. I've got it planned to take every fourth week off to rest and take care of other projects and interests.
    We're all so full of excuses. Myself included. If TV and facebook would've been around at the time, I'm sure the pyramids would have never been built. I don't want to build a pyramid, I just want to finish some projects and have a little spare energy and time. I get emails and messages all the time asking about training, diet, all that stuff and when I lay it out, there's almost always some kind of rebuttal about how it doesn't sound right or something like that. Maybe it's not. It's what I do and it generally works for me and usually for the ones who try it out as well. Of course there's always some experimenting and tweaking with this stuff. That's part of the fun. Or you can do what you've always done. Believe me, if I see something working for someone else I WILL ask about it.
    I always say if you want to do awesome shit it's gonna cost ya. Time, money, energy. Pick two. There was a time when I had more energy and money than time so I worked with that. These days time and energy are in better supply than money so I'll work with that. Rarely do any of us have all three going at once.


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