After many, many years of being intrigued with this, I finally experienced my first "float" session. 90 minutes inside of a soundproof, lightproof tank filled with water and epsom salt heated to the body's natural temperature. The process is pretty simple. I was given my own little tank room with a little dressing bench and a shower. I showered quickly first and as I was stepping into the tank, I Immediately noticed how comfortably warm the water was. I crouched down inside and pulled the door shut. BLAST OFF! Right away I could feel something stir. It's a slightly jarring feeling having your immediate surroundings, sensations and distractions taken away all at once like that. I laid back, adjusted to this new floating sensation and waited.... I couldn't ignore my "panic" reaction. Nothing bad, but with a history of drug use and abuse in my background, along with some meditation and therapy, I could recognize my physical reactions. There wa...