Same Old Story. Fences, Freedom an a Hand Full of Nuts

Man, so many of the places and situations I find myself in are the result of a series of bad decisions. Or at the very least, decisions. Decades ago I started out with a plan, a path and a set of rules and boundaries of what I would and wouldn't be willing to do and how far i would and wouldn't be willing to go. The universe had other plans. The universe STILL has other plans. It seems like every fucking few steps of the way, I'm faced with the challenge of letting go of some idea or ideal that not so long ago I swore I wouldn't let go. I hear people on a daily basis say how the don't do this or can't do that or can only do things a certain way. How they're morning people, not built for running, have to have their bacon, meditation doesn't work for them, all these little rules or boundaries that they have to live within. Bullshit. All these little ideas about ourselves are only fences that we've created and reinforce every time we say this s...