Who Needs Results?

This past Wednesday was the 2nd race of 5 race series in Forest Park. The Portland Trail Series ( https://gobeyondracing.com/races/portland-trail-series/ ). While I usually use these races as speed workouts since they're usually pretty short, (4-6 miles) but this week I decided to hang back and run with a friend who's coming back from a knee injury. It's not like it's a big sacrifice for me or anything. My races are really my ultras. Where I can just find my slow-ass pace and hold it for 5-12 hours. check out some amazing scenery, meet some interesting people, eat some food every 5 or 6 miles and if I'm lucky, have some visions and hallucinations. Yeah, those are my kind of races. The Wednesday night series are my "community" thing, they happen just down the street from my apartment and sometimes I can get my "newbie" friends in on the fun. We started in the back and TRIED to stay in the back but still managed to make a few passes once...