
Showing posts from September, 2014

Inspiration and Getting Awesome

   I want to be inspired. I NEED to be inspired. I need this to keep me moving. I don't know how most people do it. By "most" I mean people who set goals and go for them. When I was younger, that seed of inspiration seemed have been internal, and while it's still there now, I feel I need more external sources of inspiration and motivation. It doesn't take much and it can come from a lot of places. A book, movie, photograph, painting, music, an interview with someone, or just a really cool conversation can do it.     I don't need much, either. Hearing about someone finally running a full mile can get me going. Even seeing a photo of a really organized "gear closet" works. It doesn't all have to be videos of Killian running to the top of Matterhorn.     I've been lucky enough that I've always managed to surround myself with artists and now endurance athletes. People who feel a spark, wether internal or external, and then proceed to set a ...

The "Volcanic 50k+" running around Mt. St. Helen

First, let me get this out of the way. Calling this a race is being very open minded....and optimistic. This event is a DARE. Running this course will definitely challenge your perception of things. First of all, your perception of running. There's very little running involved. Of course the talented freak of nature elites at the front manage to somehow finish in the 6-7 hour realm but most of us mid-packers and back-of-the-packers who usually finish a 50k somewhere in 5-7 hours end up somewhere between 9-12 hours on this course. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of runnable sections, VERY runnable sections but the rock crawling, boulder hopping sections in between can leave you so drained physically AND mentally that you're just happy for the momentary break. That's actually one of the really cool things about this race too. A lot of times when you end up walking during an ultra, even though everyone does it and it's totally accepted and expected, you would st...