Inspiration and Getting Awesome
I want to be inspired. I NEED to be inspired. I need this to keep me moving. I don't know how most people do it. By "most" I mean people who set goals and go for them. When I was younger, that seed of inspiration seemed have been internal, and while it's still there now, I feel I need more external sources of inspiration and motivation. It doesn't take much and it can come from a lot of places. A book, movie, photograph, painting, music, an interview with someone, or just a really cool conversation can do it. I don't need much, either. Hearing about someone finally running a full mile can get me going. Even seeing a photo of a really organized "gear closet" works. It doesn't all have to be videos of Killian running to the top of Matterhorn. I've been lucky enough that I've always managed to surround myself with artists and now endurance athletes. People who feel a spark, wether internal or external, and then proceed to set a ...